Jesus' Passion Week - His Saturday in the Tomb
My Grandfather's Grandfather's Grave Marker — Rev. David Caldwell - died August 28, 1824
During Jesus' passion week, sandwiched between His Good Friday crucifixion and His Sunday morning resurrection, is His Saturday 'dead in the tomb' day which is often overlooked. On Saturday, Jesus' body was dead, lifeless and laid cold in a tomb - just as my grandfather's grandfather is dead and his body still remains buried in Greensboro, NC. For two days, Jesus and my triple-great-grandfather, David Caldwell, shared the exact same state - their body was dead and their spirit in Paradise. Body and soul had split. Death had yet been conquered. Hope had yet come to life.
There are no songs about Jesus dead in the grave, nor should there be, because His resurrection did happen. But His resurrection is not just the theological answer to our justification and salvation question -- it is the first-fruits of our own resurrection! 1 Corinthians 15:20 says, "But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who are asleep." When Jesus comes again -- all in Christ shall be made alive.
One day, when Jesus returns, this old enemy called death will be conquered forever, and this grave stone of my triple-great-grandfather will be obliterated, and the body of Rev. David Caldwell shall come to life - and walk, and talk, and laugh, and sing. Easter celebrates Jesus' resurrection, but it also promises our own resurrection at His return. That is something to celebrate -- even today!